028 3839 1000  

Welcome to Hollypark Healthy Living, inspiring healthier lifestyle choices for children 

On your marks, get set, GROW! 
Caring for a healthy child starts with filling their plate with the right foods. 
The right food is so important and it’s needed for fueling those little Hollypark bodies, providing energy and keeping your little ones going throughout a Hollypark day. 
Creating a happy, healthy environment for your child is easy peasy at Hollypark, with our exciting monthly activities incorporating our Let’s get Healthy and Its  
Playtime our children are always busy with our crafts and play and getting active indoors and outdoors. 
As our children are running about, playing or making crafts it’s vital we keep up their energy levels, our yummy healthy meals and snacks are perfect to keep those little bodies happy. 
All our meals are carefully planned and prepared using local ingredients, nutritionally balanced and most of all absolutely delicious.  
We take great care in deciding our daily menus, making sure children are provided with fresh fruit and vegetables daily and exciting meals that will appeal to children and help develop a healthy food choice for their future.